Technical Projects
Quantum Arcade
Product Manager - React Native, MongoDB, Okta OAuth, AWS, D-Wave LEAP
Educational cross-platform mobile application built on React Native, where users can play puzzle games on and against a real quantum computer. Set to be the first and only publicly available mobile application that interfaces with a quantum computer (D-Wave’s 5000Q machine), the app will launch in April of 2021.
Fake News Mobile Application
Product Manager, UI/UX Design, Sole Developer - React Native, AWS/Heroku, Tensorflow, Python & Flask
A cross-platform mobile application built on React Native that compiles Fake News Articles along with a 'Fakeness' rating using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. In future releases, users will be able to generate their own fake news articles and tweets based on keywords and prompts.
Quantum Hub
Product Manager - React JS, HTML5, CSS
A gallery of web applications that run on D-Wave's Quantum Computer. Built for educational purposes, it implements sudoku solvers, nurse schedulers, and other puzzle games that run on a quantum computer in real time.
Quantum Navigator Video Game
Product Manager - Godot
An educational video game on quantum information, covering fundamental principles such as entanglement and quantum teleportation. Built on Godot, I worked alongside software developers and a theoretical physics PhD student to design levels and gameplay. Beta version is available on GitHub, a full version is set to be released on the STEAM store by August 2021.
True Random State Generator
Sole Developer - Algorithms, Python D-Wave’s LEAP system
A limitation of classical computers is that they cannot generate true randomness. However, companies like D-Wave offer software development kits (SDKs) that leverage quantum mechanics to solve real problems. In this project, I wrote a simple python script using D-Wave’s LEAP system that generates a truly random coin flip. While in and of itself, a coin flip is not particularly exciting, true randomness has incredibly valuable applications in encryption and a safer alternative to RSA factoring.