I guess this is as good a place as any to write about why I started this website and what type of content will be on here. I'll be releasing a post in a short while about what a Third Culture Kid is, and what it means to me. For now, I'll start with sharing some of my intro-related thoughts.
I'm passionate about a lot of different things. I think, in today's world, it's hard not to be. So many issues have come up with regards to politics, privacy, technology revolutions, climate change and the environment. There have been breakthroughs in medicine, physics, chemistry, and other STEM fields. When you factor in the changing state of the economy, global, social, political, and financial relations, you get an exciting (or terrifying) time to be alive.
What makes things more interesting, however, is the intersectionality of all these fields. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science are no longer simply computer science or software engineering fields. These tools are now used by major companies in the fields of medicine, cyber-security, financial institutions, and political think-tanks. In the last thirty years, the fields within Physics have been transformed: econophysics was born, Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet, and the Kuiper belt was discovered. The iPhone was introduced, great achievements have been made in eradicating diseases from the Earth, and the musical genius that is Sufjan Stevens has released eight beautiful albums.
We have companies developing self driving cars, artificial intelligence solutions with handwriting detection that process bank cheques, data scientists investigating tweets by world leaders, and geo-technology engineering solutions designed to lead us towards sustainable living.
Whether professionally, or on my personal time, I'd like to continue to explore these things. That may mean performing in local films and plays, playing around with and writing programs that use machine learning to predict local weather patterns (Spoiler Alert: It's always raining in Vancouver), or doing research and reporting on global environmental issues. This is an excellent place for me to share these projects, as I work through them.
At the very least, this website will serve as a nice, digital scrapbook of sorts, that I can reflect on and grow from.